Sushi Daily
Sushi Daily
Sustainable Sushi Daily bowls
Every year on April 28th, it’s Stop Food Waste Day; a day dedicated to raising awareness against food waste. Much needed, as a staggering 33 percent of all food ends up in the trash annually. Only one-quarter of all this wasted food is enough to feed the world population.
Our client Sushi Daily also contributes to preventing food waste. Anyone who has ever eaten sushi (maki) rolls knows that they are always neatly sliced. What most sushi lovers don’t know is that the ends of these rolls are usually thrown away. Such a waste! That’s why Sushi Daily now turns these sushi ends into a Forgotten Ends bowl.
Generating attention and free publicity for the Forgotten Ends bowl of Sushi Daily around the Stop Food Waste Day theme on 28 April.
An integrated effort by The Finest: a 90 percent earned media campaign with a few paid opportunities. Personally delivered press kits containing informative press releases about the Forgotten Ends. Journalists across the country received a carefully curated Sushi Daily package, including the Forgotten Ends bowl.
Various (free) publications in titles such as Algemeen Dagblad, FavorFlav, Amayzine, and &C. magazine. In total, nineteen publications in print, online, and on social media for broad coverage of the theme. A total reach of over 3.5 million consumers.